
When dealing with incidents that may arise in a professional and personal capacity , I found journaling a useful tool in processing and containing my feelings.

If you are new to journaling a good way to start is to, each day, write down at least three things you are grateful for. This practice will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life, encouraging understanding and unity with your experiences.

Each day of Kwanzaa I will share a link to download your journal pages for that day

Each day you will enter a world of resilience, hope, and transformation. Delve deep into a life story that traverses the challenging terrains of being made homelessness, transformed into hope with the guiding light of the Kwanzaa principles.

These journal pages will give you an insight into a book that will help you experience a transformative journey that offers lessons in perseverance, community, and self-determination.

What You'll Discover Inside Harvesting the Wisdom of Heritage: A journey of Self-discovery through Kwanzaa. · Personal narratives detailing the highs and lows of life having a family home taken and navigating the perils of homelessness with four children. · Reflections on the seven empowering principles of Kwanzaa. · Thought-provoking prompts to help you connect your journey with the principles of Kwanzaa.

[Download Your Journal Pages Now]